BB蓄电池 , OTP蓄电池 , 松下蓄电池 , 汤浅蓄电池
GP12340 CSB蓄电池-12V34Ah CSB电池

CSB电池(CSB蓄电池) GP12340
12V 34Ah 

GP 12340 is a general purpose battery up to 5 years in standby service or more than 260 cycles at discharge in cycle service.
As with all CSB batteries, all are rechargeable, highly efficient, leak proof and maintenance free.

GP12340 CSB蓄电池 規格書  
局數 6 
電壓值 12 V
安培數 34 Ah @ 20hr-rate to 1.75V per cell @ 25°C (77°F) 
重量(kg)  Approx. 10.48kg. (23.10 lbs.)
Zui大放電電流5秒(A)  380A (5sec.)
內阻(mΩ)  Approx. 8.0 mΩ
溫度工作範圍  Discharge:-15℃~50℃(5°F~122°F)
一般使用溫度工作範圍  25°C ± 3°C (77°F± 5°F)
浮充使用充電條件  13.5 to 13.8 VDC/unit Average at 25°C (77°F)
安培數/只  10.2A
循環壽命測試條件  14.4 to 15.0 VDC/unit Average at 25°C (77°F)
單一放電條件  CSB Batteries can be stored for more than 6 months at 25°C (77°F) Please charge batteries before using. For higher temperatures the time interval will be shorter.
端子  B5-L terminal to accept M5 nut & bolt
電槽組材質  ABS(UL94-HB/File E50263)*Flammability resistance of(UL94-V0/File E88637) can be available upon request.

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